SARS‐CoV‐2 / Coronavirus disease (COVID‐19)

Due to the heightened concern of the respiratory virus “SARS‐CoV‐2 or otherwise referred Coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) and the global outbreak now penetrating into and across the United States and particularly in the localities in which we live and serve, Elevator Control Service (ELCON) explicitly intends to take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the safety and well‐being of our valued employees, family members, and clientele is Priority One and takes utmost precedence over all other priorities.

All ELCON personnel are highly encouraged to maintain constant awareness of their environments both on and off the job, and sustain open communications with their immediate superiors and colleagues by regularly reporting any concerns regarding known or suspected cases of COVID‐19 within their place of employment as well as contracted job site facilities in which they work.

ELCON is, and will continue to closely monitor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other Federal, National, and State health agencies for the most up to date information and official guidance relating to local outbreaks affecting our communities and suggested protective measures towards safeguarding our employees and general public against the seriousness of this pandemic.

Open Communication with Elcon of any suspected COVID‐19 cases at their facility is of utmost importance for Elcon Employees and the safety of the general public. The following details of our Administrative Control Policy as a result of the recent COVID‐19 health concerns, are cited below.

Administrative controls for SARS‐CoV‐2 include:

ELCON encourages all employees to institute the following endorsed precautionary measures, including:

Implemented protocols in response to the COVID‐19 outbreak:

ELCON encourages all employees to institute the following endorsed precautionary measures, including:

Response Service:

During this time of National crisis, ELCON strives to ensure that all manpower and contractual obligations to our clients are sufficiently fulfilled. All essential and non‐essential management and administrative personnel shall make the necessary efforts to adequately support the operations and central dispatching centers either physically as able, or remotely when feasible. All field technicians shall maintain their routine service duties with increased awareness to sensitive and heavily populated environments. Any bargaining unit employee responding to emergency or non‐emergency requests for service in high risk establishments shall determine if accessing such work sites and/or facilitating the required services is acceptably safe.


Workers may be absent due to sick or illness to themselves, or serve as caregivers for sick family members or children out of school or day care centers due to mandated or precautionary closures; have at‐risk or immunocompromised family members at home, or simply fearful of possible exposure at work.

Interrupted supply/delivery:

Shipments supplied from geographic areas severely affected by COVID‐19 may be subject to delay or cancelled in its entirety with or without notification. Postponements resulting from such shipping delays shall not reflect negatively on ELCON, nor serve as cause for penalty or potential breach of contract of any kind.

Elevator Control Service
Aubrey (A.J.) Jones